Refer to Providence Breast Centre

If you are a physician or primary care provider and would like to refer your patient to Providence Breast Centre, we are adopting a principle of central intake and triage, with each referred patient being assigned to whichever surgeon can best accommodate their surgery in a timely fashion and hence reducing wait times for cancer care at Providence. There will no longer be a need to send referrals to individual surgeons offices, but rather Providence Breast Centre will take care of your patient from diagnosis to survivorship.

For patients with a new breast complaint: Direct referral to Medical Imaging

  • ⇩ MSJ Breast Imaging Requisition
  • The radiologists will triage the requests and navigate the patient through the complete imaging work-up, automatically arranging any additional investigations immediately required.
  • Patients requiring biopsy (BI-RADS 4 and 5) will be referred directly from MSJ Medical Imaging to Providence Breast Centre to be seen in our clinic to be informed of their biopsy results.
  • Patients who do not require biopsy or additional immediate imaging tests (BI-RADS 1, 2, or 3) will be discharged from MSJ Medical Imaging and are asked to follow up their imaging results with the referring physician. The referring physician’s office will also be responsible for arranging any required 6-month or 12-month follow up imaging

For patients who have had breast imaging work up: Direct referral to Providence Breast Centre

  • ⇩ Referral Form to Providence Breast Centre
  • Patients who have had a complete breast imaging work up (at MSJ or any other imaging facility) can now be referred directly to Providence Breast Centre for a clinical opinion. This includes patients who have been diagnosed with a problem for which a surgical opinion is recommended, or patients who have had reassuring imaging, but for whom a clinical opinion is desired. These patients may be seen by a breast physician or surgeon depending on their breast concern.
  • However, due to resource limitations, Providence Breast Centre will focus mainly on breast cancer care. We do not provide consultation for the conditions listed below.

Conditions not accepted at Providence Breast Centre

Due to limited capacity, we DO NOT provide consultation at Providence Breast Centre for: